Ofmom Runermei Infant Formula Cares for Infant Intestinal Health During Milk Transition

As winter begins to set in and the weather starts to get colder, mothers become concerned about many health issues in their babies. They should not only protect their children from a cold or a fever, but also block out cold air that may upset their babies’ sensitive intestines and stomach. Mothers of babies during milk transition, in particular, should be more vigilant, for otherwise their babies’ temperature-responsive and sensitive intestines and stomach would “resist” and cause milk vomiting, excessive internal heat, flatulence, constipation, diarrhea and etc.

Every baby must undergo milk transition. Whether it is weaning from breast milk to formula, changing stages of formula or switching formula brands, any baby will have milk transition. However, infant stomach and intestines are less adaptable, highly sensitive to dietary changes. It may take a while for children to get used to milk transition, which will affect digestion and cause digestive problems.

During milk transition, besides the application of appropriate methods, choosing a formula, which is easy to absorb and good for intestinal health, is more conducive to successful transition. For example, formula supplemented with prebiotics is a good choice. Prebiotics can stimulate the growth of intestinal probiotics, strengthening the resistance of infant intestines. It should be noted that, however, if the proportion of prebiotics in formula is unbalanced and prebiotic concentration is not up to standard, the result is not as good as expected.

Runermei baby formulas under Ofmom, the intestinal health and nutrition brand that is trusted by Chinese mothers, are also chosen by Li Ai. By caring for baby’s intestinal health, Runermei can help stimulate baby development in all dimensions including self-protection, brain, physical development and so on. It can also help better digestion and nutrient intake, and not to mention a smoother milk transition.

The content of the five nutrients—carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals in Ofmom infant formula is equivalent to that in breast milk. In particular, α-lactalbumin (α-LA) are the major proteins in breast milk, abound with amino acids necessary for the human body and they are small protein, easy to absorb, without causing excessive internal heat, constipation or other problems. α-LA is also helpful in improving babies’ intestinal tolerance, sleep and self-protection.

To protect infant intestinal health, Ofmom Runermei is specially added with a prebiotic mixture: GOS+lcFOS. Its content is appropriately determined so that when oligosaccharides are passing through the upper part and the lower part of the intestines, they can serve as prebiotics. As the growth factor of probiotics, oligosaccharides stimulate the growth of intestinal probiotics, improve the intestinal microbial environment, soften babies’ stools, thus avoiding constipation.

After grasping the appropriate method and choosing the right formula, then make milk transition when your baby is healthy. Do not rush. Give your baby enough time to be ready for it.